22 Dec 2022

 Aw van angel zai rimawi

Satu: The Sun Beams

Aw, van angelte zi rimawi chuan,
Lalber thar lo pian thu an puang;
Bethlehem dai hmun khawharah chuan,
Berampute'n chanchin lawmawm an hre ta.

Chungnungberah Pathian ropui takin awm se,
Lei chunga a lawm em em mihringte hnenah;
Remthu leng rawh se tih thu hian,
Khawvel ram zawng zanwg hi lo khat vek rawh se.

Lei mihringte hian an hre phak lo,
Van Lal fa mihring a chang hi;
A mutna pawh ranthleng hmun tlawm ber,
A mah chu Pathian fa suala siam a ni.

Lei mihringte ngaihdan a ni lo,
Lal lo piang hi a tlawm lutuk;
Ropui taka lo pian an beisei,
Tun thleng pawh hian tam takin an beisei thlawn.

Amah chu lei leh van Lal a ni,
Hre turin chung lam hriattirna;
Mitin reng ten kan mamawh a ni,
Khawvel lal te aia tlawmin a piang si.



Author: verified_user

Your lyrics are provided by the Four Brothers: Thlenga (L), AThlana, Zara, and Amuana. Our main concern in this blog is to provide all genres of Mizo lyrics for lovers of Mizo songs. You can drop lyrics requests through our e-mail: mizohlathu@gmail.com or our postal address: The Four Brothers Mizo Lyrics Admin Team, C/o. Mr. R. Hrangzuala, Four Brothers’ Cottage, House No: A/166, Sialsuk, Kawnveng, Aizawl District, Mizoram, India