Phuahtu: Rpa Ralte
Satu: Zaii Hauchhum
He nunah hian kan vul tawh lo'ng,
Pangpar mawi iangin kan chul vawng vawng;
Ka tha em tiin min zawt maw?
A na lo ve engkim a dam ta e.
Ka hlim ngei e, i tel lo hian,
Luaithli nul pawh ka bang tawh e;
Mahse, nang ka hmangaih che ang khan,
Tu dang ka hmangaih tawh lo'ng.
Tawnmang lamah min kian san tawh la,
Chhim leh hmar iangin kan hrang tawh hi;
Mualah min pho,
Tlang rel ka do zo lo ve.
Theih se, theih se, in tawng lovin,
Theih se, theih se, hlimte in,
Theih se, theih se, ka rawlthar nun,
Theih se, theih se, ka hmang ve ang,
Theih se, theih se, in tawng lovin,
Theih se, theih se, hlimte in,
Theih se, theih se, ka rawlthar nun,
Theih se, theih se, ka hmang ve ang.
20 Jun 2021
Author: Four Brothers' Mizo lyrics verified_user
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