8 Nov 2021

Sawisel bo

Phuahtu: Parmawi
Satu: Siampuii Ralte

Ka dawn ka dawn vel changin aw Di,
Eng'an minlo thlan kei kher hi!
Siam'tun i tana siam reng ka ni em ni?
Phuloh di phu thei turin min siam si!

I zara parmawi ve mai chauh ka ni,
Dimdawi takin min khawi nung la,
I par zu thlum bela nung ve mai teh hi,
Min thawidamin min awihlim zel ang che.

Ka thlakhlel ber hi nghakhlel takin,
Chhun ni zantin ka chhiar fo thin,
A sakhmelmawi tak leh sakruang mawi infin,
Phu thei hian ka inring ngailo asin.

Phuloh hmangaih biahthu min hlan fo,
I tawngkam chhuak ka hai ngailo,
Ka tan engkim atha i ni sawisel bo,
I thatna hian ka lairil afan zo.


Author: verified_user

Your lyrics are provided by the Four Brothers: Thlenga (L), AThlana, Zara, and Amuana. Our main concern in this blog is to provide all genres of Mizo lyrics for lovers of Mizo songs. You can drop lyrics requests through our e-mail: mizohlathu@gmail.com or our postal address: The Four Brothers Mizo Lyrics Admin Team, C/o. Mr. R. Hrangzuala, Four Brothers’ Cottage, House No: A/166, Sialsuk, Kawnveng, Aizawl District, Mizoram, India