21 Feb 2021

Kraws ram reh

Phuahtu: Lallianmawia Tlau
Satu: Lallianmawia Tlau

Nun khawhar chaua rumin ka van ruai ruai a,
Lenrual zawngte an tling lo min hnem turin;
Min dawn kir tir e Kraws ram reh saw,
Lal Isuan amahin a fang zo ta maw.

A riang ngei e maw ka Lal duhawm,
A hnungzuitu ten an hnem zo lo;
Sang tam tak zingah pawh tanpuitu an awm si lo.

Simona'n Lal Isua kraws a put pui a e,
Thupek zawmin a lo hnai ka Lal kiangah;
A chhawk si lo maw kan sual phurrit,
Hringmi tan chhawk zawh rual ni si lo maw.


Author: verified_user

Your lyrics are provided by the Four Brothers: Thlenga (L), AThlana, Zara, and Amuana. Our main concern in this blog is to provide all genres of Mizo lyrics for lovers of Mizo songs. You can drop lyrics requests through our e-mail: mizohlathu@gmail.com or our postal address: The Four Brothers Mizo Lyrics Admin Team, C/o. Mr. R. Hrangzuala, Four Brothers’ Cottage, House No: A/166, Sialsuk, Kawnveng, Aizawl District, Mizoram, India