Phuahtu: Buonglienkung
Satu: Lalruotmawi, Cindy Lalthanpuii, Bethlehem Pastor Bial Zaipawl
Leilung pian hma ata tawh khan Lalpa'n min lo hre ta,
Mahse, ka duhzawnga nungin nawmsip ka lo bawl a;
Chapona leh hmingthannate uma hringnun ka hman laiin,
Ka Lalpa kraws thiltihtheihna chuan nunthar min lo pe ta.
Halleluiah! ka Lal kraws chu ka ngaisang ber thildang zawng aiin,
Kraws daihlim hnuaiah min chawlh tirin damna kim ka hmu;
Ka tlin lohna leh fel lohnate fel famkima min puansak vangin,
Min chawisangtu ka Lal kraws chhuangin ka kal zel dawn.
Krista hmangaihna ata chu tu'n nge min then ang le?
Saruakna leh mualphonate'n min then thei hek lo ang;
Ka taksa hi Krista tana khenbehin a lo awm tawh si,
Ka nun thar Lal Krista hming fakin lawmin ka zai zel ang.
Krista aia thlan tur dang reng leiah hian ka hmu lo,
Amah chu ka inhumhimna kulhbing sang ber a ni;
Hmuhsit leh elrelna karah min awmpuiin min tanpui ang,
Ka Lal kraws thiltihtheihna chhuangin muangte'n ka leng tawh ang.
27 Feb 2021
Author: Four Brothers' Mizo lyrics verified_user
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