2 Jul 2022

Aw ka thlarau tho la

Phuahtu: C.S Wesley
Lettu: Rev. Thianga
Satu: Bawngkawn Pastor Bial Zaipawl

Aw, ka thlarau, tho la,
I sualna kalsan rawh;
Tlanna thisen hlu chu,
Ka tan a lo luang ta;
Ka aiawh Lal hmaah a ding,
Ka hming a kutah a chuang e.

Ka hnena awm Lalpa'n,
A tlanna hmangaih thu,
Leh a thisen hlu chu,
Keimah min pe a ni;
Ka tan a thisen a tha tawk,
Hmangaih avanga luang chhuak kha.

Hliam nasa tak a tuar,
Kalvari tlang chungah;
A tawngtainate chuan,
Ka tan min ngensak thin;
Ngaidam rawh, aw, ngaidam ang che,
Tlan tawh suala thih phal suh la.

Ka Pathian ka hmu ta,
A aw nemchu ka hria;
A fa atan min duh,
Ka hlau tawh tawp lo vang;
Nangmah ringin ka lo hnai e,
Kan Pa, mal min sawmsak ang che.


Author: verified_user

Your lyrics are provided by the Four Brothers: Thlenga (L), AThlana, Zara, and Amuana. Our main concern in this blog is to provide all genres of Mizo lyrics for lovers of Mizo songs. You can drop lyrics requests through our e-mail: mizohlathu@gmail.com or our postal address: The Four Brothers Mizo Lyrics Admin Team, C/o. Mr. R. Hrangzuala, Four Brothers’ Cottage, House No: A/166, Sialsuk, Kawnveng, Aizawl District, Mizoram, India